

Van Berckel Smit, F.J.N. 2024. “Understanding the Varieties of New Public Management at the Institutional Level.” In Shaping the World of Change. Higher Education as a Key Enabler, edited by J. Nooij, B. Broucker, A. Gannon, M. O’Hara, and S. Preymann, 11-28. Brill.

Flipse, A.C., F.J.N. van Berckel Smit and J. Huisman. 2024. “Understanding organizational identity in universities: Unraveling autonomy, governance and leadership in the case of the Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam.” Higher Education Quarterly. (open access)

Van Berckel Smit, F.J.N. 2023. “The rise of new public management at the institutional level: an analysis of a Dutch university and the role of administrators in initiating organizational change, 1980s to 2010s.” Management & Organizational History. (open access)

Van Berckel Smit, F.J.N. en A.C. Flipse. 2020. “Van democratie naar New Public Management: invoering van de Wet modernisering universitaire bestuursorganisatie aan de Universiteit van Amsterdam.” Nederlands Tijdschrift voor Onderwijsrecht en Onderwijsbeleid 32:(1) 15-28. Download hier de pdf

© Background picture: Library Rijksmuseum Amsterdam by Davidh82